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日期:2019-5-20  點擊數:863       分享到




Wisdom in Hebei Zhengding High   School


The academy with integrity and beautiful scenery enjoys elegant demeanor and gorgeous standing. Located in the brilliant ancient town, it leads the education field and enjoys reputation nationwide. With its literary grace sharing the brilliance of stars, it has lasted for one hundred years.


School with virtue and educating students across the country


The beautiful surroundings of the school consist of black bricks and gray tiles, red buildings and green trees, weeping willows and the shadow of clouds, long corridor and bent path, flowers blooming like a piece of brocade. Different seasons present different scenery, which is full with leisure poetry. Headquarter of Zhengding High School is majestic and elegant, which reflects the dignified historical culture; East campus is tidy and spectacular, indicating the fineness of modern building. Beautiful Zhengding High School looks like a disc to write the history, the spring, summer, autumn and winter of Zunwen Garden;the moonlit night and dawn of Culture Square record the joy and persistence of the most beautiful youth for thousands of students.



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